Установка шрифтов в Ubuntu
Source:: https://askubuntu.com/questions/3697/how-do-i-install-fonts
Many fonts are packaged for Ubuntu and available via the “Fonts” category of the Ubuntu Software Center. If you prefer apt-get, search for packages starting with otfor ttf-. Font files that are placed in the hidden .fonts directory of your home folder will automatically be available (but /etc/fonts/fonts.conf indicates it will be removed soon.). You can also place them in the ~/.local/share/fonts directory on newer versions of Ubuntu per the comments below. You can also double-click on the font file (or select Open with Font Viewer in the right-click menu). Then click the Install Font button. If you need the fonts to be available system-wide, you’ll need to copy them to /usr/local/share/fonts and reboot (or manually rebuild the font cache with fc-cache -f -v). You can confirm they are installed correctly by running fc-list | grep "